Tag Archives: Book themed wedding

Recycled Chalkboard Book Wedding Table Numbers

1 Sep
Make Your Own recycled wedding table numbers

All you need is some old hardcover books, latex paint, chalkboard paint, sandpaper, paintbrush and a piece of chalk.

The kids are heading back to school this week and this DIY wedding craft is timed perfectly for hitting the books.

At less than $1 each, these charming table numbers are perfect for teachers, librarians and all other book lovers.

~ Assemble some unloved hardcover books that are in good condition (library discards, yard sales etc)
~ Remove the duct jackets
~ Paint outside of books with acrylic craft paint or latex paint (Sample pots from home reno stores are perfect and inexpensive) paying special attention to the edges of the cover.
~ Let paint dry and then go over the surface with sandpaper (skip this step in you want the surface to be pristine)
~ Wipe off any dust and paint your chalkboard paint in the shape and size you desire. Mine is rather crude and primitive but you could tape off a precise size and make it look more polished.
~ Let the Chalkboard Paint dry overnight
~ Write on the surface with chalk

These can be saved after the wedding and re-used in holiday or party decorating or everyday home decor. The dust jackets can even be replaced and reshelved! The actual book is untouched.

Cheap Recycled Blackboard Paint Book DIY Craft

Recycle hardcover books into table numbers for a wedding or special event.

Also very appropriate for a “Classic Love Story Themed Wedding”. Instead of numbering the tables you can write a classic love story title on the chalkboard (eg Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Princess Bride, Much Ado about Nothing, A Room with a View)

Cheap and cheerful table numbers alternatives

Unique alternative to table numbers.

Have some fun, match your wedding colour scheme and name your tables after cities you have visited together or classic couples (Napoleon and Josephine, Tristan and Isolde, Elizabeth and Darcy)

Chalkboard Paint and an old book- upcycled table markers

Name the tables after classic love stories with these upcycled book table markers.

The books stand easily on their ends and are the right size for table numbers. Once everyone is seated they can be gathered up or simply laid down on the table. I got the books for about a quarter each, the acrylic paint was a $5 sample pot that I had for another purpose and the chalkboard paint was about $10 but I only used a tiny fraction of it for this project. The cost per book should be well under $1. Time for each book is just minutes but there are two separate drying times needed so it will take a day or two from start to finish.