Tag Archives: Bridal Show

Bridal Show Survival Tips

17 Sep
Bridal Show Techniques

Hot to survive and learn from potentially overwhelming Bridal Shows

Weddingfavours.ca is proud to participate in the London Bridal Shows. As exhibitors- we have figured out ways to simplify the process for us and make the event more enjoyable. Brides will normally only visit one Bridal Show so we have assembled a list of Bridal Show Survival Techniques so that you will be able to handle it all like a pro!

Before the Show:

~Print out address labels so you can enter draws and request information without writing info each time. You will look like a Pro!

~Set up a web-based email address that is wedding specific. This way you can keep this information separate from your personal or work emails. You will want to save all the emails you receive from suppliers so that you have a record of correspondences and receipts etc.

~Have a plan of attack. You don’t need to gather the information from exhibitors whose services you will not need. If you have a limo arranged already- you should tell the limo providers that you don’t need their literature. It will save your arms throughout the bridal show and cut down on waste.

On Show Day:

~Wear comfortable shoes. You will likely receive a welcome package that is stuffed with heavy magazines and by the time you leave the show- you can have 10 pounds of samples and literature in your bag! Try to downsize your handbag before the show or you will have a workout as you browse!

~Listen to Exhibitors: These are the professionals that have committed their time and resources to meet you and they know helpful tips and may have money-saving options to offer you.

~Enter the Draws and Contests: They are free and who knows? Your may even win something fantastic. You will be added to some mailing lists but if you have set up your wedding planning email then the emails will go there and you will have a set of resources on hand in case you unexpectedly need some information about companies and services. Often the wedding professionals will send a follow up email which can contain valuable coupons and tips.

~Be Honest: If you know that you would never hire the services of a specific company- don’t spend much time talking to them.

~Be Assertive: At trade shows, some exhibitors can be rather aggressive- Bridal Shows are no exception. If you feel cornered by someone- you can politely and firmly say that you are not interested and move on.

~Be Prepared: Certain companies collect a deposit on-the-spot. This is common with Tuxedo rental companies. This is designed to make you commit to a specific company. Often they have a very attractive offer that could end up saving you considerable money. Don’t commit to any one company until you have circled the entire hall and checked out the competition. It is not a bad idea to have a bit of cash on hand (or your chequebook) should you want to take advantage of a Show Special.

~Bring a Camera: IMPORTANT: make sure you ask permission before taking any pictures. Cake Makers, Florists and Decorators will not want to snapping a picture of their work and then taking your business to someone else. We sell wedding favours and we don’t mind if you want to snap a shot of a sand ceremony set or a table setting that you like. (www.weddingfavours.ca) You can also take photos of the Fashion Show.

~Bring a Journal: A Bridal Show is a goldmine of ideas for your event. You may see a bridesmaid dress that you like, hear a great song to include in your reception, see a unique colour scheme or a great way to decorate your tables. Be on the lookout for things that catch your eye and make a note of it so that you won’t forget.

~Who to bring? You want to bring friends and family members who are as pumped about the details as you are. If your groom is not too enthusiastic- leave him at home and bring your Maid of Honour instead. Your future Mother-in-law would probably love an invitation and often Bridesmaids have more fun than the bride! If possible- do not bring children. Children are generally welcome at the shows but with all the breakables and crowds, you will have more freedom if you can focus on the information rather than on babysitting. If you are shy- try to bring someone who is more outgoing and will engage other brides and vendors.

~Bring your Swatches: What a great chance to test out colours. There will be samples of all kinds all in one place. You can show your sample to the tuxedo companies and see find the perfect match without even going to their store. We bring samples of our coloured sand (for the sand ceremony) and you can confirm colours right at the show instead of visiting our showroom. (we have 67 colours and since each monitor displays differently, seeing a sample in person is always better)

~Ask Questions: You have access to hundreds of wedding professionals. Take advantage of their knowledge. Most will be generous with their time and ideas. HINT: During the fashion show, the aisles of the hall may be deserted. This is a great time to engage professionals as they will have a bit more time to help you.

After the Show:

~Create a file of information: Sort through your bag of literature and make notes. You want to be sure to highlight items that really caught your eye. You may have forgotten which cake maker had the fabulous cake of your dreams when you get to this stage. Go through your bag and highlight companies that impressed you. Your file of resources will be a valuable tool over the coming months of planning.

~More Research: After the show you should take advantage of the internet as a resource. Visit the websites of the companies you saw and also check forums for feedback- good and bad. Brides like to talk about their experiences and you can find out if people are posting negative comments about a specific service.

Many Brides find a Bridal Show overwhelming. You will be answering the question “When is your wedding date?” over and over again. Plan to spend several hours wandering and have fun! It is a great way to do weeks of research in a few hours. Look for us at the next Bridal Show!