Tag Archives: Bridal Shower Entertaining

Bridal Shower Games and Activities

11 May
Shower Games Ideas

Fun Bridal Shower Games

The party held before a wedding for the bride-to-be is called the bridal shower. They are usually organized by the bridesmaids who will invite guests to bring presents for the future bride. The groom is usually not invited, and there will be mostly women at this party. Mixed Showers are growing in popularity in Canada and are more common as people are marrying later in life or for the second time.

It is a good idea to have an activity or two planned for a bridal shower. In many cases- the guests will not know one another and the games can function as ice-breakers. They should be accessible for everyone and clean- this is not the bachelorette party!

Bride’s Trivia
Be careful to select games that are inclusive and not embarrassing. There will be guests there who have just recently met the bride and will not be able to answer trivia questions about her life. If you wish to do a Bride’s Trivia game, be sure to put guests in teams to that there is a mix of the bride’s and groom’s relatives and new and old friends on each team.
Sample Questions:
What is the Bride’s Middle Name?
Where did the Bride and Groom meet?
What is the name of the Bride’s high school?
Where did the groom propose?

Ask all the teams to write down their answers and then let the bride be the one to answer the questions. Allow time for her to embellish the stories and then the game can become a “getting acquainted” opportunity for guests that are not long-time friends.

Handbag Scavenger Hunt
This is a fun (and potentially funny) game that can be used while guests are arriving. Those who are interested can work at it and those who just want to chat can do that instead. Have a list of items that may or may not be in the standard purse. Items such as tissues, a pen, painkillers, breath mints, nail-file, lip-balm are obvious and would be in most ladies’ bags. Less common items include a sewing kit, camera and a notepad or shipping bag. Add in some fun items that are more obscure such as a hammer, scissors and socks. Award 1 point for basic items, 2 points for less obvious items and 5 points for a few wacky items. Award special prizes for the oddest things that your guests can produce.

“What the Bride Says”

This activity takes place while the bride is opening her gifts. Ask someone to discreetly report all the phrases that the bride uses while opening gifts. “Oh wow- it is awesome” “I love the colour” or “I have always wanted one.” After the gifts have all been opened, the reporter will explain that the following words will be used by the bride on her wedding night and then read out all the comments.

Best and Worst Advice
Ask guests to write down the best and worst advice they ever received from their mother or grandmother. Read out the answers and award a prize for the best and worst bits of advice.

Have a selection of small items available for prizes. Items such as compact mirrors, lip balms, hand sanitizers, candy bars and candles make great little gifts. Visit our Clearance Section for some inexpensive items.

Bridal Shower Themes

5 Apr
Ideas for hosting a fun bridal shower

Innovative and interesting themes can help guests choose gifts for the happy couple

One of our most Frequently Asked Questions is about Bridal Shower Ideas. 30 years ago it was common for a bride and groom to be moving out of their parents’ homes and setting up a house for the first time as a couple. Today couples are waiting longer to get married and often have a home together or even two households to merge. This means that the traditional shower gifts and themes just won’t cut it. You do not need to resort to toilet paper bridal gowns or a pie plate hat covered in bows- unless, of course, that is how you roll!

The following ideas are just a jumping-off point for you. You will have to factor in the couple, the guests, the circumstances and the wedding style when you are making your choices. The traditional bridal shower is still popular and it is a great way to honour the bride and may be the most comfortable style especially for older shower guests.

Common-law relationships are on the rise as well as second marriages and in these cases you may want to think “outside the box”. Many couples are very well established and do not need their loved ones to help them equip the home. Consider these fun ideas!

Here are some modern shower themes, many of them are great for a mixed shower:

Entertainment Shower
Description: Great shower theme for couples who love to entertain guests
Gift Ideas: Gift ideas can include lawn chairs, barbeque utensils, puzzles and games, playing cards, fun serving dishes, wine glasses, etc.
Food Ideas: Hors D’oevres, cocktails

Patio Party Shower
Description: Perfect for couples who would like to decorate their patio or who just purchased a new home. This theme works well in a backyard setting. Great for blended families and events that include children.
Gift Ideas: Patio lights, lawn chairs, portable gas grill, barbecue tools, beverage sets, tablecloths, napkins, and cookbooks.
Food Ideas: Picnic fare such as barbequed chicken, potato salad and ice cream

Naughty and Nice Shower or Lingerie Shower
Description: In the Naughty and Nice shower guests bring something ‘Nice’ for the bride and something ‘Naughty’ for the honeymoon. In the lingerie shower, guests only bring something for the honeymoon.
Gift Ideas: Fuzzy hand cuffs, Personal Lubricant, gift certificate to Lingerie Stores, books, and candles
Food Ideas: Chocolate fondue, cocktails, fresh fruit and pastries

Gift Certificate Theme
Description: This is a great shower theme for couples who are planning to move before or after the wedding or for couples who are difficult to shop for.
Gift Ideas: Gift Certificates from local shops in the bride and grooms hometown that they can use throughout their first year of marriage (i.e. certificates from the grocery store, department stores, specialty shops, and restaurants).

‘Green Thumb Shower’ or ‘Garden Delight’
Description: This theme revolves around plants and gardens and is great for a bride-to-be who either loves gardening or would like to spruce up her current yard. This is a popular them for outdoor/backyard parties.
Gift Ideas: Real or fake plants, seeds, bulbs, garden tools, gloves, books about gardening, or gift certificates to plant nurseries or home reno store.
Favour Ideas: Love Grows Seeds, Tree Seedlings

‘Stock the Pantry’ Party
Description: Guests are mailed a blank recipe card and asked to bring their favorite recipe written on the card and a non-perishable ingredient for the recipe.
Gift Ideas: Pantry Staples such as olive oil, maple syrup, basmati rice, spices and baking ingredients
Favour Ideas: Measuring Spoons, Cookie Cutters, Maple Syrup

Shower of Firsts:
Description: Each guest is assigned to bring a gift for a specific “first’ the couple will have in their first year of marriage. Some ‘firsts’ include: first fix-it project (tool kit), first time the power goes out (candles and a flashlight) the first time they burn dinner (restaurant gift certificate), their first night apart (a cozy throw), first fight (get creative with this one!)

Fond Memories Shower
Description: The guests are asked to bring their most memorable photo taken with the bride-to-be. During the shower, guests insert the photos into an album with a note about why they chose that photo.
Favour Ideas: Photo Albums, Mini Photo Frame

Storage Theme
Description: This may sounds bit boring but anyone who is trying to downsize or get organized will appreciate this more than dozens of tea towels and cake plates! Guests bring gifts that are centered on storage solutions.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include items such as plastic food containers, closet storage, file racks, filing cabinets, decorated storage boxes and plastic bins, even flat-pack furniture solutions.

“Honey, do…”
Description: Guests bring gifts that would help ‘the Honey’ complete a task requested by their spouse.
Gift Ideas: Gift ideas include gardening tools for “Honey, please work on the yard” or mixing bowls for “Honey, please bake me a cake”. Guests can be sent a little card that they can attach to their gift which states their “Honey, do…” task.

The Italian Basket
Description: Guests are asked to bring a specific gift to fill a large basket that will be wrapped and given to the Bride-to-be.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include ceramic pasta bowls, wooden spoons, cheese graters, olive oil cans, containers filled with pasta, cans of tomatoes, red and white checkered place mats & napkins, and an Italian cookbook.
Variations of the Theme: Chinese Basket, Desert Basket, Cookie Basket, French Theme.

Travel Theme
Description: Guests bring gifts that the couple can use on their honeymoon.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include disposable cameras, toiletries, shaving kit, currency of the country, sunglasses, personalized towels, and sunscreen.
Variations of the Theme: Tailor the theme to the couple’s destination (i.e. European vacation, Australian Vacation, Mexican Vacation. Serve food that co-ordinates with the theme.
Favour Ideas: Personalized Travel Candles, Luggage Tags

Time of Day
Description: Guests are assigned a time of day and bring gifts that apply to their time of day.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include a His & Hers coffee mug set for 8am time or Dinner plate set for 5pm time.
Variations of the Theme: Season of the Year. Guests are assigned one of the four seasons and are asked to bring gifts that fit their season.

Linen Theme
Description: Guests bring items that are linen related. Great for a bride-to-be who has a furnished apartment or home but doesn’t have sheets or curtains.
Gift Ideas: Cloth napkins, table cloth, matching bed sets, curtains, and towels.

Home ImprovementDescription: This is a great couple’s shower. Guests bring items that will help to improve the couple’s home.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include gift certificates to local hardware and gardening stores, hand tools, gardening tools, home decorations, paintings, etc.
Variations of the Theme: Tool and Gadget Party – guests bring items such as a hammer, rake, shovel, flashlight, or clock.

Holiday Theme
Description: Assign a holiday to each guest and ask them to bring a gift appropriate for their theme.
Gift Ideas: Fake Christmas Tree, Halloween Decorations, Holiday Entertaining items such as punch bowl and platters or turkey roasting/carving tools

Alphabet Theme
Description: Guests are assigned a letter of the alphabet and are asked to bring a gift that starts with the letter they were assigned. E.g. M – Measuring cups. Difficult letters like Q, X, and Z can be skipped

Fitness ThemeDescription: This is a great theme for an athletic couple or a couple who would like to become more athletic.
Gift Ideas: Gifts can include medicine balls, yoga videos, hand weights, gym memberships, gift certificates for bikes or gym equipment, activities they can do outdoors etc.

Wet Bar or Stock the Bar Theme
Description: This is a fun shower for couples who like to entertain or for a couples shower. Guests are asked to bring items to help stock the couples bar.
Gift Ideas: Barware such as martini shakers, bottle opener, corkscrew, glassware, liquor and bottles of wine
Favour Ideas: Bottle Stoppers, Cocktail Mixes, Mini Martini Shakers

Tea Party
Description: Guest are invited to a tea party (around 2pm normally). Serve different types of flavored tea and small finger food such as scones, finger sandwiches, and tarts. Decorate in spring colours and have tea or spring decorations.
Gift Ideas: Guests can bring gifts that are either tea related or can bring standard shower gifts.
Favour Ideas: Personalized Wedding Tea, Tea Time Infuser, Porcelain Tealight Holder, Mini Tea pot place holders

Room of the House

Description: Guests are assigned a room of the house and are asked to bring gifts that can be used in that room.
Gift Ideas: Gift ideas include mixing bowls for the kitchen, towels for the bathroom, sheets for the bedroom etc.

Visit our Bridal Shower Planning Guide for more ideas and great Bridal Shower Favours and other products.